FAQ - Frequently asked questions

Check out our answers to the most frequently asked questions about SprintPlus. We provide tips that solve most problems. Use the search bar on the right to quickly find your answer.

Still can’t find an answer to your question? Contact us directly with your question, we will be happy to help you further.

SprintPlus installation version
Installation and updates
Toolbar in Microsoft Word
The first steps to solving a problem
  1. Check that Sprint is fully up-to-date.
    In SprintPlus (installation version), you will find the version number under the Help tab > Info. If this version number does not match the current version number, you can update SprintPlus. Please read the item SprintPlus updates.
    If you are using SprintPlus.online, please try these general troubleshooting tips:

    1. Save document manually
    2. Reload page via ctrl + shift + R
    3. Close and reopen tab
    4. Trying to open other document (there may be something wrong with the document)
    5. Check internet connection
    6. Check connection to OneDrive or Google Drive
    7. Check memory (of the Chromebook and/or of the drive)
  2. Find the problem among the frequently asked questions on this web page.
    Our FAQ page provides answers to frequently asked questions and solutions to a number of problems.
  3. Please contact us via the contact form.
    Please describe in detail which problem you are experiencing with which part of SprintPlus. Be sure to include the serial number of SprintPlus. This can be found under the form SPRXXXXX under the tab Help > Info. It is also listed on your Sprintostick or HASP key and on the box the package came in.
  4. Request remote assistance.
    Go to Support and click through to Remote Support.
On how many devices can I install SprintPlus?
  • You can install the installation version on an unlimited number of devices (PCs, laptops or Windows tablets). You can work on 3 devices at the same time.
  • The online version(SprintPlus.online) works in any browser, so you don’t have to install anything. You can use SprintPlus.online up to 3 sessions at a time.
  • With a school subscription, you take a subscription tailored to your school. This allows all students and teachers in the school to use SprintPlus both at school and at home.
  • With a multi-user subscription, you choose a subscription for a specific number of users. Depending on whether they use the installation version or the online version, the installation proceeds differently.
Only one language is available in SprintPlus.

If you have only one available language in SprintPlus something may have gone wrong during installation or update. You can easily fix this by reinstalling SprintPlus. You do not have to uninstall SprintPlus for this.

Login problems?

How to easily login in a few steps for new users:

  1. You have received your SprintPlus login information via email.
  2. You have downloaded and installed the SprintPlus software according to the instructions from the email.
  3. When starting the software, enter your login information you received. Make sure the username and password are entered correctly. Sometimes a capital “i” can look the same as a small “l,” depending on the font.
  4. Depending on your license, you can log into both SprintPlus and SprintPlus.online.

Want to change your password, click here.
Are you continuing to have login problems? Send an e-mail, we will be happy to help you.

Where can I find my serial number (installation version)?

The serial number of SprintPlus can be found under “Help” in your toolbar and click on “Info”. You will find the serial number in the form SPRXXXXX. If you send a question to support or contact us via the contact form you should always give us your serial number. That way we can help you quickly. Are you working in SprintPlus.online? Then give us your username.

I can't print my file

Check what type of pdf you have. If you save a pdf as secure-pdf, then you cannot print that document and that is irreversible.

SprintPlus on a tablet?

All versions of SprintPlus work on tablets using Microsoft Windows with desktop environment:

  • tablets with Windows 10
  • tablets with Windows 11

Are supported only by SprintPlus.online:

  • tablets with Windows 10S
  • Chromebooks
  • tablets with Android
  • iPads
How to install SprintPlus?

You can install SprintPlus 3 from our installation page. All information on how to install and update SprintPlus can be found on that page. Follow this step-by-step plan when installing SprintPlus.


Are you working with SprintPlus.online? Then you don’t have to install anything at all. Surf to SprintPlus.online in your browser and log in with your account.

I cannot log in to SprintPlus (installation version)

Do you start up SprintPlus and don’t get the option to log in? For example, you get a gray screen or a screen to activate your license.
Probably something went wrong during the installation. You may have selected the wrong security. You can easily change this via our Setprotection.

  1. Make sure everything from SprintPlus is closed (including Word).
  2. You can find Setprotection in the Windows Explorer under
    C:\Program Files (x86)\SprintPlus 3
  3. In this, set the security to Web License, as shown in the image below, and click ok.

When you restart SprintPlus after this you should normally get the option to log in again.

Pdf will not be read

Probably you have opened a photo pdf. No text is present in such a pdf document. You may then also get the following message: “No text was found in this document. Please apply OCR to have this document read aloud.” In the installation version of SprintPlus, you can check whether or not text is present in the document. To do this, you can use the keyboard’s F7 function key. After pressing F7, colored boxes will appear around all characters (letters, numbers) in the document. If no boxes appear, no text is present in the document. Press F7 again to remove the frames. If no text is present in the document, you must use an OCR program to convert the picture PDF to a text PDF. For SprintPlus (installation version), you can use the integrated OCR program. This may already be activated for your license, if not the OCR module can still be purchased.

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