How do I add the WebSprinter?

In SprintPlus, you have Sprinter to have texts read aloud outside the program. For, there is the WebSprinter. You can install WebSprinter as a Google Chrome extension, or as an Edge addon so you can use it on laptop, Chromebook and Macbook as well. Log in using the same login credentials as

The WebSprinter reads web pages such as gmail, hotmail, online newspapers and social media such as Facebook and WhatsApp, among others, aloud. This way you understand the text faster and better. The word read aloud is indicated in color so you can easily follow along. You can change this color or turn it off. For the voice you can choose from different languages, also the reading speed is easy to set. To add the WebSprinter to your browser log in to
In the file area you will find the button to add the WebSprinter to the browser you are using.

Google Chrome browser

  1. Go to Google chrome extensions.
  2. Install the WebSprinter.
  3. Activate it by clicking on the SprintPlus icon. The icon is located to the right of your search bar in Google Chrome.
  4. Log in with your webapp or (individual) annual subscription details.
  5. Get started!

Edge browser

  1. Open your Edge browser.
  2. Surf to
  3. Press Download and follow the steps of the download process.