
Download and install the latest version of SprintPlus 3.

Do you already have SprintPlus 3 installed? check if you are running the latest version and install the update (down below) if needed.

How to install SprintPlus?

  1. Check if your system meets the minimum requirements (needs to be a Windows device).
  2.  Click on the download link above. The installer will be downloaded.
  3. Once downloaded you can open the installer by clicking on it.
  4. This will start the SprintPlus Setup Wizard. Follow through with every step.
  5. Normally you should select web license when asked about the software protection.
  6. Once it’s installed you’ll get a notification that you can finish the Setup Wizard.
  7. You can now start using SprintPlus (installation version).

Do you have an older version of SprintPlus (SprintPlus 1 or 2)?

Look on how to upgrade to SprintPlus 3 down below.

The latest version of SprintPlus 3 (*) is The update includes the ability to view pdf documents edited with SprintPlus 3 with other pdf readers. So it is no longer necessary to save documents as pdf documents or view them through Sprint Viewer. Download the update below.

SprintPlus update

Note! This is only the update, not the full version of SprintPlus. For the
full installation go to: Installing SprintPlus 3 (Windows installation version) above.

Where do you see which version of SprintPlus you have?

      1. Under the “Help” tab, go to “Info.”
      2. This is where you will find the version number.

Do you have an older version of SprintPlus (SprintPlus 1 or 2)?
Look on how to upgrade to SprintPlus 3 down below.

How do you perform the update?

      1. Close SprintPlus completely: to do this, close Microsoft Word, all SprintPlus components (Sprint, Sprinter and Skippy) and the icon (green ball with speech bubble) in the Windows system tray.
      2. Download the update: SprintPlus update.
      3. Are you using the OCR module? Then download the latest version on your laptop, tablet or computer here (not on your USB stick): SprintOCR update.
      4. When you restart SprintPlus after the update, you can immediately start in the new version.

It is always recommended to keep SprintPlus completely up-to-date. For this you best keep an eye on our website or subscribe to our newsletter.

Starting now, you can upgrade to SprintPlus 3. Do you have an annual subscription, a combo license, a multi-user license or a school license? Then upgrades belong to your package.

How do you perform the upgrade?

1. Close SprintPlus completely: to do this, close Microsoft Word, all SprintPlus components and the icon (green circle with a speech bubble) in the Windows system tray.

2. Download and install SprintPlus 3.

3. Restart SprintPlus and log in with your username and password.

Do you have an older version of SprintPlus and want to upgrade to the latest version?

Contact, be sure to include your serial number so we can best help you further.

The WebSprinter reads web pages such as gmail, hotmail, wikipedia, online newspapers and social media such as Facebook and WhatsApp, among others, aloud. This way you understand the text faster and better. The word read aloud is indicated in color so you can easily follow along. You can change this color or turn it off. Moreover, you can set whether you want extra pauses during the reading after words or sentences. For the reading voice you can choose from different languages, also the reading speed is easy to set.

To use the WebSprinter, you must first add it to your browser (Google Chrome or Edge). You can log in with your subscription information.

Google Chrome browser

  1. Go to Google chrome extensions.
  2. Install the WebSprinter.
  3. Activate it by clicking on the SprintPlus icon. The icon is located to the right of your search bar in Google Chrome.
  4. Log in with your annual subscription information.
  5. Take off!

Edge browser

  1. Open your Edge browser.
  2. Surf to and search for “SprintPlus.
  3. Press Download and follow the steps of the download process.
  4. Log in with your annual subscription information.
  5. Start.